Property use classes – a quick guide

01st May, 2024

The word ‘property’ covers a vast range of developments, ranging from a small garage block, through retail premises and residential buildings, to towering commercial offices and extensive manufacturing sites. By law, every single one has a designation within a ‘Use Class’ which states what activities the legal occupants can undertake within that property. The Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 ensured that the use of a property can’t be changed without going through the correct procedure, a previously cumbersome process which cost companies considerable time and money and hindered expansion and growth.

However, in 2020, it was amended to make it simpler for businesses to change use classes. If a change of use is necessary, it’s important to be guided by specific local authority requirements, but as a general rule the use classes are as follows:

Class B2 – General industrial

Properties used for industrial processes which don’t fall under the remit of classes B3 to B7.

Class B3 – B7 – Special industrial

These cover properties which are involved in the use, process and manufacture of chemicals, metalwork, acids, oils, animal by-products, mining and quarrying.

Class B8 – Distribution and storage

This includes open storage areas.

Class C1 – Hotels

This covers premises where you pay to stay but no significant element of care is required.

Class C2 – Residential institutions

Including care homes, hospitals and residential colleges.

Class C2A – Secure residential institutions

Including prisons and custody centres.

Class C3 – Dwelling houses

This class has three separate parts and covers use by up to six people in varying domestic and employment situations living as a single household.

Class C4 – Houses in multiple occupation

This covers shared houses where between three and six unrelated people live as separate households but share some amenities such as a kitchen or bathroom.

Class E – Commercial, business and service

With thirteen uses and sub-divisions within them, this is the main use class for businesses. It includes, with some provisos:

  • Display or retail sale of goods
  • Sale of food and drink which is largely consumed on the premises
  • Financial, professional or other services commensurate with a commercial, business or service locality
  • Indoor sport and recreation
  • Health and medical services
  • Day centres and nurseries
  • Uses such as research and development, administrative offices and industrial processes which can be undertaken in a residential area without creating difficulties in that area, for example causing noise or fumes

Class F1 – Learning and non-residential institutions

This includes the provision of education, museums, libraries, law courts and public worship.

Class F2 – Local community

Shops not exceeding 280 sq. m which largely sell essential goods such as corner shops, village halls, recreation grounds and public swimming pools.

Sui Generis

Translated from Latin, this phrase means ‘a class of its own’. A property which doesn’t fit into any of the above categories will come under this class. There are a surprising number, including petrol stations, nightclubs, launderettes, cinemas, concert, dance and bingo halls, hot food takeaways, theatres, casinos, taxi and minicab businesses, wine bars, hazardous waste landfills and amusement arcades.

This is a basic outline of the different use classes, but for any company considering a change of use, it’s essential to get professional advice prior to starting work. You may not need planning permission, but it’s not worth the risk of going ahead without confirmation.

Here at Oakwhite, we have undertaken fit out, refurbishment and enabling work for a wide variety of businesses requiring a change of use class in their new or updated premises, and we’re used to working with planning authorities. We’re based in the South East, but work all over the UK, and we’re renowned for completing our work on time and on budget.

If you’re interested in having a chat about a fit out or refurbishment, do contact us via email, or give us a call on 01403 586062 to speak to one of our helpful team members.

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